■高校英単語(American History 7_2_2)
出典: Voice of America > Learning English > U.S. History
Pressure to control immigration increased following the world war. Congress passed a bill that set a limit on how many people would be allowed to enter from each foreign country. And, the Congress and President Calvin Coolidge agreed to an even stronger immigration law in nineteen twenty-four.
Under the new law, limits on the number of immigrants from each foreign country depended on the number of Americans who had families in that country. For example, the law allowed many immigrants to enter from Britain or France, because many American citizens had families in those countries. But fewer people could come from Italy or Russia, because fewer Americans had family members in those countries.
The laws were very difficult to enforce. But they did succeed in limiting the number of immigrants from certain countries.
A second sign of the conservative feelings in the nineteen twenties was the nation's effort to ban the sale of alcoholic drinks, or liquor. This policy was known as Prohibition, because it prohibited -- or banned -- alcoholic drinks.
Many of the strongest supporters of Prohibition were conservative Americans living in rural areas. Many of them believed that liquor was evil, the product of the devil.

Yes No 移民を規制する法律は、1924年に上院と大統領によってさらに強いものにされた。

Yes No 新しい移民法では、イギリスやフランスに多くの移民が割り当てられた。

Yes No 1920年代の保守的な雰囲気を示す第2のサインは禁酒法である。

Yes No 都市に住んでいるアメリカ人が禁酒法の強い支持者だった。

Yes No (1924年の)新しい移民法は実施困難だったが、幾つかの国に対して(例えば日本人を排斥することなど)移民の規制に成功した。
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